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Date: Tue, 26 Jan 93 05:02:42
From: Space Digest maintainer <digests@isu.isunet.edu>
Reply-To: Space-request@isu.isunet.edu
Subject: Space Digest V16 #079
To: Space Digest Readers
Precedence: bulk
Space Digest Tue, 26 Jan 93 Volume 16 : Issue 079
Today's Topics:
DC-1 eventual construction question...
Galileo update?
Hewlett Packard conin space
Is it open yet? (was Re: Galileo update?)
lunar base/life-support
Making Orbit 93 - The Delta Clipper Program
Mars Observer Update - 01/25/93
Mir mission to Mars?
Next unmanned missions to Venus *
Next unmanned missions to Venus *+
ques about earlier "suicides" of SDI scientists
Sabatier Reactors.
Saves Less Money This Way (was Re: Sabatier Reactors.)
So what's happened to Henry Spencer?
What is SSTO? Thoughts on Space.
Welcome to the Space Digest!! Please send your messages to
"space@isu.isunet.edu", and (un)subscription requests of the form
"Subscribe Space <your name>" to one of these addresses: listserv@uga
(BITNET), rice::boyle (SPAN/NSInet), utadnx::utspan::rice::boyle
(THENET), or space-REQUEST@isu.isunet.edu (Internet).
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1993 02:43:38 GMT
From: "Allen W. Sherzer" <aws@iti.org>
Subject: DC-1 eventual construction question...
Newsgroups: sci.space
In article <1993Jan21.141726.1@max.u.washington.edu> games@max.u.washington.edu writes:
>Let me start by making 4 assumptions.
>1: The DC-X tests in a couple of months will be a success.
>2: MCD successfully builds more of the DC-X's as sounding rockets.
>3: Funding for DC-Y never materializes.
>4: We want the DC-Y and DC-1 to be built.
>Now, the question is, HOW to we accomplish this goal. Assuming that the
>big G doesn't kick in money, we are left with convincing MD of the long
>term commercial viability of further development.
If Uncle Sam doesn't pay for the initial development of the Y vehicle
(and possibly DC1) it won't happen. Period.
The existing launch market simply isn't large enough to justify the
investment. The fact that nobody is making money in launch services at
the moment makes it a lot harder.
One DC-1 would be enough for almost all of the current launch market.
BTW, it turns out that at least two other contractors have developed
SSTO designs. One is intended as a Titan IV replacement.
| Allen W. Sherzer | "A great man is one who does nothing but leaves |
| aws@iti.org | nothing undone" |
+----------------------141 DAYS TO FIRST FLIGHT OF DCX----------------------+
Date: Monday, 25 Jan 1993 20:50:09 EST
From: Michael Petersen <IO20721@MAINE.MAINE.EDU>
Subject: Galileo update?
Newsgroups: sci.space
Could someone tell me if NASA has successfully deployed the high-gain
antenna on Galileo yet? I heard that their most "aggressive" attempts
would occur after the the last Earth flyby.
: Michael Petersen : Internet: IO20721@MAINE.MAINE.EDU :
: University of Maine/Orono : Bitnet: IO20721@MAINE :
: ___ : "After all is said and done, much :
: (o o) : is said and little is done." :
Date: 21 Jan 93 10:33:47 PST
From: Scotty <freemf!Scotty>
Subject: Hewlett Packard conin space
Newsgroups: sci.space
In a message dated Thu 21 Jan 93 8:26, Stevep@hpscit.sc.hp.com () wrote:
S> Sure is. I've not heard of any specific HP into Space stuff. There was
S> the HP handheld calculator that was used on some (I think) Apollo
S> missions.
I believe they were HP41s(CV's perhaps) on the early space shuttle
missions. *(Scotty)*
S> !! Steve Pearce Hewlett-Packard !!
-- Via DLG Pro v0.995
John (Scotty) Freeland --- scotty@freemf.eskimo.com
Date: 25 Jan 93 21:00:41 -0600
From: Bill Higgins-- Beam Jockey <higgins@fnalf.fnal.gov>
Subject: Is it open yet? (was Re: Galileo update?)
Newsgroups: sci.space
In article <93025.205009IO20721@MAINE.MAINE.EDU>, Michael Petersen <IO20721@MAINE.MAINE.EDU> writes:
>Could someone tell me if NASA has successfully deployed the high-gain
>antenna on Galileo yet?
As newscaster Chevy Chase used to say:
"This just in from Madrid. According to doctors attending
Generalissimo Francisco Franco, the former head of state
is valiantly hanging on in his fight to remain dead."
[It's been 39 days since the last time I posted this answer
to this question.]
>I heard that their most "aggressive" attempts
>would occur after the the last Earth flyby.
True. Still going on.
Bill Higgins | Sign in window of
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory | Alice's bookstore:
SPAN/Hepnet: 43011::HIGGINS | Gee, I hope it doesn't become
| *compulsory*.
Date: 25 Jan 93 09:57:02
From: David.Anderman@ofa123.fidonet.org
Subject: lunar base/life-support
Newsgroups: sci.space
AM> o.k., I'm not an aerospace engineer, just a biology major, but I
AM>wondering what the outlook is, in the near future, for
AM>establishing a lunar base.
AM> It seems logical to me that before we start planning a
AM>manned mission to Mars,
AM>we ought to start planning a permanent base on the moon. Is NASA devo
AM>time or resources toward this direction?
The outcome for a lunar base in your lifetime is pretty slim. Most folks
just aren't interested in creating the political climate necessary
for the powers that be to decide to spend money on lunar exploration
and development. However, a small group of activists is working
on legislation for the government to purchase lunar science data from
the private sector that may be sufficient to discover water ice
at the lunar poles. If ice is discovered, that may be sufficient
impetus to move the government to further explore the moon.
The legislation is called the Lunar Resources Data Purchase Act (A/k/a
the Back to the Moon bill) and we could use your help in getting it
passed through the 103rd Congress. Please E-mail me for more
___ WinQwk 2.0b#0
--- Maximus 2.01wb
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1993 16:53:34 GMT
From: Rich Kolker <rkolker@nuchat.sccsi.com>
Subject: Making Orbit 93 - The Delta Clipper Program
Newsgroups: sci.space
In article <20004@mindlink.bc.ca> Bruce_Dunn@mindlink.bc.ca (Bruce Dunn) writes:
>Regarding my posting in which I related the Delta Clipper landing sequence
>1) start engines
>2) flip to base-first attitude
>> Larry Wall writes:
>> How do they guarantee they don't get upside-down-spraycan syndrome?
>I checked my notes again, and the notes give the start engines, then flip
>sequence. It is possible that I misheard the speaker (Gaubatz from McDonnell
>Douglas). I expect the most likely explanation is that I have
>mis-interpreted the sequence. An alternate possibility is that the "engines"
>started are the RCS thrusters, which run on gaseous hydrogen and gaseous
>Bruce Dunn Vancouver, Canada Bruce_Dunn@mindlink.bc.ca
According to one of the pilots for Delta Clipper, there are four
different methods they plan to test for the "flipover". I am no
expert, so any questions on these have a fair chance of being answered,
"I dunno.."
1. The "death swoop" - use the momentum and body flaps to do a
zoom climb (think of the bottom half of an inside loop).
2. Use the engines to power the bird around.
3. There is a point on entry when the bottom-heavy clipper becomes
unstable in a nose-down attitude. Let gravity do the work and when
the bottom points down, catch it with the RCS.
4. Shove a pilot chute out the nose.
DC-x is scheduled to try all of these as part of the flight test program
rich kolker rkolker@nuchat.sccsi.com
< Do Not Write In This Space>
Date: 26 Jan 1993 01:55 UT
From: Ron Baalke <baalke@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov>
Subject: Mars Observer Update - 01/25/93
Newsgroups: sci.space,sci.astro,alt.sci.planetary
Forwarded from:
PASADENA, CALIF. 91109. TELEPHONE (818) 354-5011
January 25, 1993
The Mars Observer spacecraft team reports that all
spacecraft and science operations are performing well.
The Mars Observer camera, magnetometer/electron
reflectometer and gamma ray spectrometer were turned on Jan. 18
for instrument calibration activities, and began returning data
the following day. The camera focus tests were completed at noon
today, while data-gathering by the two other instruments
continues this week.
Data from the magnetometer recorded near the Earth's geotail
-- that region of space in which the solar wind is blocked as the
Earth orbits the sun -- will be played back from tape recorders 1
and 3 on Jan. 26 and 27. Meanwhile, a telecommunications
experiment, called the "Ka Band Link Experiment," is being
performed to test the quality of ground-to-spacecraft
communications using a very short, 9-millimeter (36/100ths of an
inch) wavelength and a low-power transmitter on board the
spacecraft. All other uplink and downlink activities are now
performed using the spacecraft's high-gain antenna.
Today the spacecraft is about 64 million kilometers (40
million miles) from Earth, traveling at a speed of about 47,000
kilometers per hour (31,000 miles per hour) with respect to
Earth. The spacecraft is traveling at a heliocentric velocity of
about 93,500 kilometers per hour (58,000 miles per hour). One-
way light time is roughly 195 seconds.
___ _____ ___
/_ /| /____/ \ /_ /| Ron Baalke | baalke@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov
| | | | __ \ /| | | | Jet Propulsion Lab |
___| | | | |__) |/ | | |__ M/S 525-3684 Telos | Every once in a while,
/___| | | | ___/ | |/__ /| Pasadena, CA 91109 | try pushing your luck.
|_____|/ |_|/ |_____|/ |
Date: 25 Jan 93 23:17:28 GMT
From: nsmca@ACAD3.ALASKA.EDU
Newsgroups: sci.space
Imnot sure if this idea is feasible, but, its an idea..`
What about pre-positioning feul/food/gear packets along the route of the Mars
mission or maybe send a unmanned mission ahead maybe by Solar Sailer(s).
And pre-[.positioning the craft to be near na..mars when the Mir mission
arrives at Mars.
Michael C. Adams
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1993 19:45:17 GMT
Subject: Mir mission to Mars?
Newsgroups: sci.space
In <232310cec@ofa123.fidonet.org> David.Anderman@ofa123.fidonet.org writes:
> The mission you mention is technically feasible, with some risks to the crew
> that others here will certainly elaborate upon.
...more info on the subject. I first learned about this from Frank
[an excellent book BTW]. "Western experts" -without revealing any names-
reportedly feel that a Mir/Proton combination launched by the Energia
would be capable of doing the job. The original plans called for an additional
first stage rocket, launched by a second Energia, fuelled with liquid
oxygen/hydrogen. This would have launched the Mir/Proton combination into a
highly elliptical parking orbit. Only a brief 1km/s burn by the Proton stage
would be necessary to put the spacecraft on course for Mars. Techically, the
fuel left would be sufficient to insert the Mir/Proton craft into Mars orbit
and return to Earth one year after arrival. This would be a long, difficult
and expensive mission.
A flyby mission would require a total delta-V of the same magnitude as the
mission outlined above, or about 5km/s for the Proton stage. _On paper_, there
are no serious problems. The Energia is relatively untested, but the cosmonauts
will be sent up by a Soyuz and not by the Mir/Proton/Energia combination so
there are no dangers to the crew. The Proton second stage is 25 years
old, a "tried and trusted" man-rated rocket. It uses hydrazine and nitrogen
tetroxide for fuel, both are easy to store during a year-long space mission.
Does anyone know the weight of the Proton 2nd stage? My guess is that it
weights about 180-190 tons when fully fuelled, and there should be about 30-40
tons left for the spacecraft. The Mir station has a mass of 20 tons while the
Soyuz rez-entry capsule adds another 3 tons to the total. The muission would
last 12-15 months and a crew of two would require about 4-5 tons of food, water
and oxygen. Approx. half of this could be stored inside a Progress vessel
that would remain docked to the Mir during the outward leg of the journey to
Mars. An empty Progress craft weights about 5 tons and the total mass
(excluding the Proton stage w. fuel) would be 33 tons.
> The major obstacle is money. The Russians don't have it, and the US is not
> going to fund Russians exploration of Mars.
> However, if the Finn government were to provide sufficient funding, I'm sure a
> human flight to Mars could be arranged.
The superpowers should finance it, it probably would cost about as much as an
Apollo lunar mission. It would provide a boost to space programs not only in
Russia but also in the west. Mars has always had a special hold on the
imagination, and I am sure there would be a lot of interest for the mission.
Particularly in Russia. The Soviets were very proud of their achievements in
space, seeing their excellent space program grounded due to lack of financial
support from the West hurts their pride almost as much as the fall of the
Soviet empire. The extremist hardliners there will not find it difficult to
convince the average Russian that the westerners are to blame for this
"Dolchstuss in Space."
> --- Maximus 2.01wb
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1993 22:42:02 GMT
From: Rob Healey <rhealey@rogue.digibd.com>
Subject: Next unmanned missions to Venus *
Newsgroups: sci.space
In article <1993Jan24.063904.27492@mnemosyne.cs.du.edu>, rkornilo@nyx.cs.du.edu (Ryan Korniloff) writes:
|> Hmmm, well, I guess if we were to make any kind of serious exploration of
|> Venus's surface we would have to develop electronics componants that
|> operate comforably at 900f. And metals that can protect the inards of the
|> probe from terrential sulfuric acid down-poors..
|> How WOULD we do that by the way? Anyone know??
Remove the atmosphere of course... That might be quite a chore
tho, kind of an anti-greenhouse effect device. A monster vacuum
like in SpaceBall's maybe? B^).
Date: 25 Jan 93 23:22:05 GMT
From: nsmca@acad3.alaska.edu
Subject: Next unmanned missions to Venus *+
Newsgroups: sci.space
2.In article <C1FLq4.GtM@gw.digibd.com>, rhealey@rogue.digibd.com (Rob Healey) writes:
> In article <1993Jan24.063904.27492@mnemosyne.cs.du.edu>, rkornilo@nyx.cs.du.edu (Ryan Korniloff) writes:
> |> Hmmm, well, I guess if we were to make any kind of serious exploration of
> |> Venus's surface we would have to develop electronics componants that
> |> operate comforably at 900f. And metals that can protect the inards of the
> |> probe from terrential sulfuric acid down-poors..
> |> How WOULD we do that by the way? Anyone know??
> |>
> Remove the atmosphere of course... That might be quite a chore
> tho, kind of an anti-greenhouse effect device. A monster vacuum
> like in SpaceBall's maybe? B^).
> -Rob
HEARD USING certain microbs which convert many of the components of venuses
atmophere can be used to terraform it.. (sorry for the CAPS) not using my
normal macine..
Date: 25 Jan 93 20:26:56 GMT
From: Constantinos Malamas <gt7692b@prism.gatech.EDU>
Subject: ques about earlier "suicides" of SDI scientists
Newsgroups: sci.physics,sci.misc,sci.space
Source-Info: Sender is really isu@VACATION.VENARI.CS.CMU.EDU
This 'grand conspiracy theory' reminds me of the '3rd Alternative'.
Now, _there_ is something to talk about in sci.space.conspiracy ...
Costas Malamas________________________________________________________________
Georgia Institute of Technology
Internet: gt7692b@prism.gatech.edu
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1993 03:03:19 GMT
From: "Allen W. Sherzer" <aws@iti.org>
Subject: Sabatier Reactors.
Newsgroups: sci.space
In article <24JAN199320503892@judy.uh.edu> wingo%cspara.decnet@Fedex.Msfc.Nasa.Gov writes:
>I wonder if people like this are just trying to provoke me? The last I heard
>was that SSF was going to use LOX/H2 thrusters for orbit maintainance.
>Am I wrong? If so, then they are MORE risky than hydrazine.
Yes you are incorrect. According to a friend of mine at the Reston Program
Office they will be using hudrazine thrusters. BTW, these thrusters are the
single heviest items to be returned to Earth. They must be returned intact
since it would be too dangerous to re-fuel them in orbit.
>Also for your information, NASA has been flying station precursors for
>over ten years now. They are called Spacelab.
Spacelab is an experiment carrier. It will tell us nothing about
building large scale structures in space and cannot be considered a
station precursor.
>Also NASA has sponsored COMET, which will
>fly in March, which is a free flying microgravity laboratory with a return
>module for returning samples that have been through their process cycle.
NASA is buying launch services from COMET. NASA woldn't have been able
to build the COMET system itself.
>So NASA, who you think is stupid, IS doing what you are saying there, and
>for a lot more money than a full up program of throwing away hardware.
Since you agree that the NASA program costs a lot more money, why don't
you thing we would be better off with the cheaper program of throw away
>All of the Spacelab and Spacehab experiments can be used again for very
>minimal costs,
Buying launch services at three times the price the private sector
pays cannot be considered 'minimal cost'.
>These experiments are all important as precursors to SSF because we can get
>all of the bugs out of the experiments
I would rather get the bus out of the station first and then worry about
the experiments.
>See there NASA ain't half as dumb as the average poster to sci.space.
Dennis, The Wake Shield facility would cost NASA $93 million to build
(according to their cost model). A private company is building it for
$11 million. Spacehab would have costed NASA $1.1 billion (again,
with their costing model). A private company is doing it for $153
million. NASA would have taken eight years and $1 billion to build
the same DCX vehicle which McD is building in two years for $60 million.
Apply those ratios to your everyday life. Would you pay $20 for a
Whopper from Burger King? NASA would. Would you pay $100,000 for
a Ford Escort? NASA would.
Do you consider this intelligent behivior?
>It is also easy to criticize before you find out the facts. I suggest that
>you might take the time to do a little research to find out exactly what is
>going on in NASA before you are so blith in your criticism.
We have Dennis. We have.
>There are many problems at NASA, but there is also a lot of good things
>going on.
Absolutely. But they are overshadowed by the bad things and will continue
to be as long as people ignore the problems.
| Allen W. Sherzer | "A great man is one who does nothing but leaves |
| aws@iti.org | nothing undone" |
+----------------------141 DAYS TO FIRST FLIGHT OF DCX----------------------+
Date: 25 Jan 93 20:42:15 -0600
From: Bill Higgins-- Beam Jockey <higgins@fnalf.fnal.gov>
Subject: Saves Less Money This Way (was Re: Sabatier Reactors.)
Newsgroups: sci.space
In article <24JAN199320503892@judy.uh.edu>, wingo%cspara.decnet@Fedex.Msfc.Nasa.Gov writes:
[Spacelab, Spacehab, and COMET as precursor facilities for SS Fred]
> So NASA, who you think is stupid, IS doing what you are saying there, and
> for a lot more money than a full up program of throwing away hardware.
Uh-oh, Dennis, I don't think that's what you *meant* to say...
> All of the Spacelab and Spacehab experiments can be used again for very
> minimal costs, as well as the experiments returned from the COMET module.
I thought not.
> These experiments are all important as precursors to SSF because we can get
> all of the bugs out of the experiments and the experiment process before we
> fly them on SSF where they can be run in an effective manner, having all of t
> eh bugs worked out on less expensive platforms. See there NASA ain't half
> as dumb as the average poster to sci.space.
It is all I can do to resist the urge to comment.
Except to say...
> Delta II/Small Expendable (Tether) Deployer System (SEDS) flight
> configuration during deployment, circa March 1993.
GO SEDSAT!!!!! Huzzah!
Of course, what Shakespeare | Bill Higgins, Beam Jockey
ORIGINALLY wrote was "First thing | Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
we do, let's kill all the EDITORS."| Bitnet: HIGGINS@FNAL.BITNET
But for some reason it didn't | Internet: HIGGINS@FNAL.FNAL.GOV
survive past the first draft. | SPAN/Hepnet: 43011::HIGGINS
-- David D. "Laserdave" Levine (davidl@ssd.intel.com)
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1993 23:08:37 GMT
From: Larry Wall <lwall@netlabs.com>
Subject: So what's happened to Henry Spencer?
Newsgroups: sci.space
In article <schumach.727849241@convex.convex.com> schumach@convex.com (Richard A. Schumacher) writes:
: Does anyone know why Henry Spencer has not posted recently?
: His were consistently the most interesting, informative
: and terse posts. What a shame if the intemperate remark by
: that Harvard snotnose drove him away...
Highly unlikely. Henry is much too stable to be bothered by mere snivel.
He said he was going away for a few weeks. This week he's extremely
likely to be hanging around at Usenix in San Diego. They've got a
terminal room there, so you'll probably see something from him by
Wednesday or so.
Larry Wall
Date: 25 Jan 93 11:40:16 GMT
From: mcelwre@cnsvax.uwec.edu
Newsgroups: sci.space
Although the following article is on the subject of religious studies, it
illustrates some important facts about the Universe:
(1) The physical universe is ONLY the LOWEST of at least a DOZEN major
levels of existence.
(2) Certain phenomena which seem to have no physical origin result from
INTERACTIONS between the physical universe and HIGHER LEVELS.
(3) It is possible for INDIVIDUALS to PERSONALLY explore the Universe,
including our Solar System, using forms of "SOUL TRAVEL". Some of these forms
are also known as "out-of-body travel" and "Astral projection". [This is
DANGEROUS without the protection of a Perfect Living Master as described
Most Christians would agree, and correctly so, that
Jesus Christ was a perfect living Master, and a projection of
God into the physical world, God Incarnate.
But there are some very important related facts that
Christians are COMPLETELY IGNORANT of, as are followers of
most other world religions.
First, Jesus Christ was NOT unique, John 3:16 NOTWITH-
STANDING. There is ALWAYS at least one such perfect living
Master (God Incarnate) PHYSICALLY ALIVE in this world AT ALL
TIMES, a continuous succession THROUGHOUT HISTORY, both
before and after the life of Jesus.
The followers of some of these Masters founded the
world's major religions, usually PERVERTING the teachings of
their Master in the process. Christians, for example, added
teaching of REincarnation.
Secondly, and more importantly, after a particular
Master physically dies and leaves this world, there is
NOTHING that He can do for ANYbody except for the relatively
few people that He INITIATED while He was still physically
alive. (That is simply the way God set things up in the
Therefore, all those Christians who worship Jesus, and
pray to Jesus, and expect Jesus to return and save them from
their sins, are only KIDDING THEMSELVES, and have allowed
themselves to be DUPED by a religion that was mostly
MANUFACTURED by the Romans.
And emotional "feelings" are a TOTALLY DECEIVING
indicator for religious validity.
These things are similarly true for followers of most
other major world religions, including Islam.
Thirdly, the primary function of each Master is to tune
His Initiates into the "AUDIBLE LIFE STREAM" or "SOUND
CURRENT", (referred to as "THE WORD" in John 1:1-5, and as
"The River of Life" in Revelation 22:1), and to personally
guide each of them thru the upper levels of Heaven while they
are still connected to their living physical bodies by a
"silver cord".
True Salvation, which completes a Soul's cycles of
REincarnation in the physical and psychic planes, is achieved
only by reaching at least the "SOUL PLANE", which is five
levels or universes above the physical universe, and this
canNOT be done without the help of a Perfect LIVING Master.
One such perfect Master alive today is an American, Sri
Harold Klemp, the Living "Eck" Master or "Mahanta" for the
"Eckankar" organization, now headquartered in Minneapolis,
(P.O. Box 27300; zip 55427).
Another perfect living Master is Maharaj Gurinder Singh
Ji, now living in Punjab, India, and is associated with the
"Sant Mat" organization.
One of the classic books on this subject is "THE PATH OF
THE MASTERS" (Radha Soami Books, P.O. Box 242, Gardena, CA
90247), written in 1939 by Dr. Julian Johnson, a theologian
and surgeon who spent the last years of his life in India
studying under and closely observing the Sant Mat Master of
that time, Maharaj Sawan Singh Ji.
Several of the Eckankar books, including some authored
by Sri Paul Twitchell or Sri Harold Klemp, can be found in
most public and university libraries and some book stores, or
obtained thru inter-library loan. The book "ECKANKAR--THE
KEY TO SECRET WORLDS", by Sri Paul Twitchell, is ANOTHER
Many Christians are likely to confuse the Masters with
the "Anti-Christ", which is or was to be a temporary world
dictator during the so-called "last days". But the Masters
don't ever rule, even when asked or expected to do so as
Jesus was.
People who continue following Christianity, Islam, or
other orthodox religions with a physically DEAD Master, will
CONTINUE on their cycles of REincarnation, between the
psychic planes and this MISERABLE physical world, until they
finally WISE UP!
The book "HERE AND HEREAFTER", by Ruth Montgomery,
describes several kinds of evidence supporting REincarnation
lives, SPONTANEOUS RECALL (especially by young children, some
of whom can identify their most recent previous relatives,
homes, possessions, etc.), DREAM RECALL of past life experi-
ences, DEJA VU (familiarity with a far off land while travel-
ing there for the first time on vacation), the psychic read-
FROM THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE including Matthew 17:11-13 (John the
Baptist was the REINCARNATION of Elias.) and John 9:1-2 (How
can a person POSSIBLY sin before he is born, unless he LIVED
versions are PER-VERSIONS! ] Strong INTERESTS, innate
TALENTS, strong PHOBIAS, etc., typically originate from a
person's PAST LIVES. For example, a strong fear of swimming
in or traveling over water usually results from having
DROWNED at the end of a PREVIOUS LIFE. And sometimes a
person will take AN IMMEDIATE DISLIKE to another person being
met for the first time, because of a bad encounter with him
The teaching of REincarnation also includes the LAW OF
KARMA (Galatians 6:7, Revelation 13:10, etc.). People would
behave much better toward each other if they knew that their
actions in the present will surely be reaped by them in the
future, or in a FUTURE INCARNATION!
If a Perfect Living Master physically dies ("trans-
lates") before a particular Initiate of His does, then when
that Initiate physically dies ("translates"), the Master will
meet him on the Astral level and take him directly to the
Soul Plane. This is the ONE AND ONLY correct meaning of a
2nd Coming. It is an INDIVIDUAL experience, NOT something
that happens for everyone all at once. People who are still
waiting for Jesus' "2nd Coming" are WAITING IN VAIN.
The physical universe is the LOWEST of AT LEAST a DOZEN
major levels of existence. Above the Physical Plane is the
Astral Plane, the Causal Plane, the Mental Plane, the Etheric
Plane (often counted as the upper part of the Mental Plane),
the Soul Plane, and several higher Spiritual Planes. The
Soul Plane is the FIRST TRUE HEAVEN, (counting upward from
the Physical). The planes between (but NOT including) the
Physical and Soul Planes are called the Psychic Planes.
It is likely that ESP, telepathy, astrological
influences, radionic effects, biological transmutations [See
the 1972 book with that title.], and other phenomena without
an apparent physical origin, result from INTERACTIONS between
the Psychic Planes and the Physical Plane.
The major planes are also SUB-DIVIDED. For example, a
sub-plane of the Astral Plane is called "Hades", and the
Christian Hell occupies a SMALL part of it, created there
kind of black magic or by simply teaching its existence in a
THREATENING manner. The Christian "Heaven" is located
elsewhere on the Astral Plane. Good Christians will go there
for a short while and then REincarnate back to Earth.
The Christian religion demands of its followers an
extraordinary amount of BLIND FAITH backed up by little more
If a person is not HEARING some form of the "SOUND
then his cycles of REINCARNATION in this MISERABLE world WILL
The "SOUND CURRENT" manifests differently for different
Initiates, and can sound like a rushing wind, ocean waves on
the sea shore, buzzing bees, higher-pitched buzzing sound, a
flute, various heavenly music, or other sounds. In Eckankar,
Members start hearing it near the end of their first year as
a Member. This and other experiences (such as "SOUL TRAVEL")
REPLACE blind faith.
Robert E. McElwaine
2nd Initiate in Eckankar
Date: 26 Jan 93 02:48:43 GMT
From: nsmca@acad3.alaska.edu
Subject: What is SSTO? Thoughts on Space.
Newsgroups: sci.space
If there is no arket for SSTO, then why is there three contractors??
I know the GOV might not be excited about any new projects..
Maybe we need to concentrate more on lobbying.. What is Clintons views on
NASA? on Private Space? Multi-NAtional Space?
Ever heard of Poker Flats in Alaska, I might have an address for someone if
they want to ask about it.. (I know of it already)..
If the US Defense can let go some its budget we might be able to get the DC-X
up, I think the Japanese are working on alot of things, after all the have the
money.. A combo Gov/Private Corp effort..
Was the Russians working on a SSTO before the fall?
Michael Adams
Alias: Morgoth/Ghost Wheel
End of Space Digest Volume 16 : Issue 079